«1908» (92)

Список фильмов
1.Cabby's Sweetheart1908
2.Calino a mangé du cheval1908
3.Calino toreador1908
4.Call of the Wild, The1908
5.Calle de Donceles, Atlixco1908
6.Calles de Orizaba, rapidos de Rio Blanco, instalación electrica, laguna de nogales, y cerveceria Moctezuma en todos sus departamentos1908
7.Campagna romana1908
8.Canadian Car Ride1908
9.Canals of Holland1908
10.Captain Molly, or The Battle of Monmouth1908
11.Captain's Wives, The1908
12.Caracolillo (Couplets del Café de Puerto Rico)1908
14.Carmen - Ária do Toureador1908
15.Carmen: «Mia tu sei»1908
16.Carmen: «Toreador»1908
17.Carnaval de 1908 no Rio1908
18.Carnaval de Reus1908
19.Carreras de caballos de 19081908
20.Carter's Terrible Task, The1908
21.Catching a Burglar1908
22.Catching a Tartar1908
23.Catholic Centennial Celebration, The1908
24.Cattle Rustlers, The1908
25.Caught by Wireless1908
26.Cause of All the Trouble, The1908
27.Cavalier's Wife, The1908
28.Ce qui arrive à un petit malin de peintre1908
29.Centenário do General Osório1908
30.Centenário do Primerio Regimento de Cavalaria1908
31.Chanson de Peuplier1908
32.Charlie's Ma-in-Law1908
33.Charlotte Corday1908
34.Chasse à l'hippopotame sur le Nil bleu1908
35.Chasse en Abyssinie1908
36.Chauffeur's Dream, The1908
37.Checker Fiends1908
38.Cheekiest Man on Earth, The1908
39.Chegada do «D. Amélia»1908
40.Chorus Man's Revenge, The1908
41.Christmas Burglars, The1908
42.Christmas Eve at Sunset1908
43.Church Parade of the 7th Hussars and 16th Lancers1908
44.Circumstantial Evidence; or, Who Ate the Possum Pie1908
45.Circus Boy, The1908
47.Clown, The1908
48.Clubman and the Tramp, The1908
49.Cocoa Industry, Trinidad, British West Indies1908
50.Coeur brisé1908
51.Coeurs brisés1908
52.Coltivazione e raccolta del riso1908
53.Come My Lad and Be a Soldier1908
54.Comemoração da Batalha do Riachuelo1908
55.Como se Glorifica um Herói - O Centenário de Osório1908
56.Concealing a Burglar1908
57.Concorso di ski a Limone1908
58.Concorso ippico1908
59.Conquest of Siberia1908
60.Consultation improvisée1908
61.Conte de la grand-mère et rêve de l'enfant1908
62.Convict and the Dove, The1908
63.Coppa «Taurus»1908
64.Corn in Egypt1908
65.Corrida de toros con Antonio Fuentes1908
66.Corrida de toros con Ricardo Torres «Bombita»1908
67.Corrida de toros por Gaona1908
68.Corridas de Touros1908
69.Corso e Passeata do Colégio Militar1908
70.Costumbres típicas mallorquinas1908
71.Cotton Industry of the South, The1908
72.Count of Monte Cristo, The1908
73.Count of No Account, The1908
74.Cowboy and the Schoolmarm, The1908
75.Cowboy's Baby, The1908
76.Création de la serpentine1908
77.Cracksmen and the Black Diamonds, The1908
78.Crazed by Jealousy1908
79.Criminal's Daughter, The1908
80.Crispino e la comare: «Una volta un ciabattino»1908
81.Crispino e la comare: «Vuoi tornare...»1908
82.Cross Roads, The1908
84.Crushed Tragedian, The1908
85.Cuisine abracadabrante1908
86.Cuisine magnétique1908
87.Cupid's Pranks1908
88.Cupid's Realm; or, A Game of Hearts1908
89.Curate's Courtship, The1908
90.Curate's Honeymoon, The1908
91.Curious Mr. Curio1908
92.Curse of Gold, The1908